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Kaeli's Training Service :D
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I find myself wasting a depressing number of training sessions daily because I simply do not have enough dogs to train. Soooo, I'm going to open up my very first training service!

I am able to take on two dogs at a time. Payment for the service is due before I begin training -- slots are offered on a first-pay-first-serve basis. Please refer to the pricing chart to know how much your dog will cost to train. At this time, I am only training dogs up to 4,500 TP.

Dogs that train with me will be equipped with a Scholar Collar and I have the training perk, so clicks are at maximum potential. Additionally, I will equip pups with a Rejuvenator and either an Adult Leopard (+20 energy) or a Leopard Cub or equivalent companion (+10 energy), so I should be able to fit anywhere between 40 and 150 clicks on your dog each day, depending on my work load. At your request, I can also equip a Timewarp, which will slow down aging and your dog can return to as young as possible.

Pricing Chart:
TP || Price || Approximate Training Time
0-500: $40,000 or 1 Bone (Less than 1 week)
501-1000: $60,000 or 1 Bone (Up to 1 week)
1001-1500: $90,000 or 1 Bone (1-2 weeks)
1501-2500: $120,000 or 2 Bones (1-3 weeks)
2501-3500: $200,000 or 3 Bones (2-3 weeks)
3501-4500: $300,000 or 4 Bones (3-4 weeks)
4500+: Not currently accepting

I am open to haggling, but I do feel that these prices are very fair considering all that is offered. Please also note that training durations listed are approximate. I can never anticipate what my workload will be from one week to the next. Experience tells me that these estimations should be fairly accurate, though.

Currently training:
Slot 1: Caramel Delight for #16921
Slot 2: Four-Leafed Clover for #16921

Wait List:
1.)Shade for #16921
2.)Admiration for Mizz Malfoy, #14332

Please use this thread to reserve spots, negotiate payment, or have yourself placed on the wait list. My message box is a bit out of control and I could miss your message D:

06-8-2012 at 3:50 PM
I have a 578 TP Papillon; would you mind putting him on the waiting list? :3

06-6-2012 at 4:38 PM
Oh, dear. I haven't gotten the notifications that people were posting here D: <br /> <br /> I'll be scribbling you individually and we'll work out the order for training there!

06-5-2012 at 8:43 PM
COuld you please train my dog Shep? Also could you message me how much money it would be?<br />

05-23-2012 at 5:41 PM
Hello! If you could put my darling <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=124192">Admiration</a> on the waiting list, that would be wonderful! She has about 3400 TP, but is aroud 50% trained, so I would be paying 120k, if that works for you. :) Thanks!

05-20-2012 at 7:34 AM
I will be paying 3 bones. :3 Because, I do not have money. x3 Sorreh. XD<br /> <br /> Anyways, I have like, two dogs with 8999 tp + so they will take awhile for me to train, so my whole training is backed up by them, so I was wondering if you could train the following dogs for me, 1 per bone. :D<br /> <br /> Sky's Caramel Delight- 1 bone<br /> <br /> Sky's Four-leaf Clover- 1 bone<br /> <br /> Shade- 1 bone<br /> <br /> Also, I love your services, so I was wondering if I could have a time warp placed on them, and if I did, how much extra would it cost? :3

05-19-2012 at 7:36 AM
One of my trainees just finished up and headed home, so I have space for one of your dogs to begin right away :3<br /> <br /> I should be finishing up with the other dog today, too, so I can go ahead and take both of them now, if you'd like. I'll message you the instructions :>

05-18-2012 at 2:38 PM
I'd love if you could put my huskies Faith and Felix on the wait list. C: Faith is 655.19 and Felix is 620.52 :3 Thank you~

05-12-2012 at 10:38 PM
I definitely have space :> I've scribbled some instructions on your wall and will be placing Bree in training slot 2.

05-11-2012 at 1:48 PM
I'd absolutely love to pay you to train <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/dog.php?id=142291">Bree</a>! :) Just over 900 TP I think. <br /> <br /> Message me if your second slot is still open? :D


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